Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sister Ann Dental Clinic "Success Story"

Community Health Clinic Ole
Sister Ann Dental Clinic

Clinic Ole's Sister Ann Dental Clinic supports the provision of quality, affordable preventative and treatment dental services and dental education to Napa County's low-income, uninsured residents and children enrolled in governmental programs such as Medi-Cal and Healthy Families. 

I hear many stories about the lives we touch every day by providing affordable health care to our community. This is a story recently told me by a foster parent whose son had a mortal fear of the dentist.

Tanir Ami
Chief Executive Officer


Diego came to live with us when he was eight years old. He had been in foster care for seven months after being removed from his mother for physical abuse by her boyfriend. Prior to that, as with so many situations like this, there had been some serious neglect and Diego's teeth were evidence of that. Because he had come to us from foster care, he was eligible for Medi-Cal, but we added him to our private insurance because we wanted him to have "the best" care available. We knew about Sister Ann Dental Clinic and Clinic Ole, but we didn't know anyone who had used their services so we took Diego to our own dentist and a private practice pediatrician. Diego needed multiple fillings, a couple of baby teeth had to be pulled, and his oral hygiene needed much improvement. We spent thousands of dollars out of pocket the first few months just to catch up and Diego HATED the dentist we were using, so taking him to the dentist became a huge battle. Somewhere along the line, Sister Ann Dental Clinic came up so we thought "What the heck? Let's give it a try."

The support staff and dentists are all great and worked so well with Diego that he even fell asleep once while in the chair being worked on. He told me it was like the dentist was a "Ninja" dentist and asked me to YELP Sister Ann Dental Clinic!

I will not say that he loves coming to the dentist--I don't know too many 13 year old boys who do--but he has a level of trust with the staff and dentists here that he did not find in the private practice. Everything went so well with his dentistry that we thought we would give Clinic Ole (medical) a try and it too was a great move. There is a much shorter appointment wait time than with his private practice pediatrician and he loves Dr. Lee, who has become his primary care physician.  

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